Quinn Mason

This is a replica Hermès Picotin 18 with gold hardware in a colourway called Etoupe. It’s a low-tier rep I purchased last winter in the middle of lockdown, back when we had a curfew, after I stumbled upon a subreddit devoted to sourcing, QCing, and admiring women’s replica designer purses.

I never particularly wanted a knockoff handbag, but the “rep ladies” were such a supportive community that I wound up spending a lot of time there for a couple of months. It’s a complicated process—being a truly successful “rep lady” requires obtaining a verified WeChat, figuring out the long list of coded acronyms and terms (TS = trusted seller, for example, while GL = Green Light, the approval given to a seller after viewing Pre-Shipment Photos (PSPs)), and communicating with sellers in Chinese, among other things—but luckily there is an extensive collection of user-created wikis to help guide you through how to do all of these things. Basically, there was enough new information to keep me happily hyperfocused for a little while, at least. My replica purse period culminated in my decision to order this cheap Hermès Picotin from Taobao (referred to as the “cheapotin” in another user’s glowing review). “Dave” (the codeword for customs) is apparently quite strict in Canada, and I wasn’t willing to spend any more money than I was willing to lose. I was pleasantly surprised when it showed up on my doorstep, but as the toxic fufu smell emanating off of it faded, so too did the thrill. I’ve moved a lot in the past year, and am currently living (very temporarily) in Toronto, so a lot of my stuff is still in boxes or else its location is otherwise unknown. But I brought my replica purse with me when I moved here last September. I don’t think I’ve used it even once since I’ve been here, but I like to keep it around because it reminds me of a bright spot in an otherwise dark period. And if there’s one thing I think the rep ladies would agree on, it’s that a purse is so much more than just a place to put your phone. 

Best piece of work?

The notes on my iPhone

What music have you been listening to lately? 

‘80s music; lately I’ve been listening to a Spotify playlist called “tainted love” on shuffle

What’s in your fridge right now? 

Blood Brothers beer and Beemster gouda

Who is the last character you related to and why? (Film, Television, Literature, etc.) 

In literature: Isa in Marlowe Granados’ novel, Happy Hour. She just totally nails the headspace and experience of what it was like to be a 21-year-old girl/woman in 2013 (except the protagonist in Happy Hour seems way more self-assured than I was). I’ve never met Marlowe Granados the author, but she apparently crashed a wedding I was at recently, which made me feel like I was a character in one of her novels.

Have you ever failed at something you care about?

I think a better question (for me) would be: can I definitively say I’ve not failed at something I care about yet?

Last gift you received?

A stack of printed photos taken during a recent trip to Nova Scotia.

Favourite photo you’ve taken? 

My favourite photo taken of me is probably one of my old profile pictures, taken at Lollapalooza in 2012: shot from behind, I’m a few feet in front of the photographer (so you get a full body shot) and I’m looking over my shoulder smirking, like I know that you’re looking at my butt. I like it because of the panoramic view of the Chicago skyline in the background.

My favourite photo that I, personally, have taken is honestly a toss up. I’m an extremely not-visual person, and my photography skills consist of “point” and “click”. I mainly take photos to try to remember things, so my favourite photos are any that show the people and places I care about.

Which season is the best? 

Spring or fall, the transitional seasons. I find it helpful, mentally, to see proof that change is possible.

Least household chore? 

Anything that requires making a phone call and waiting on hold. 

Best outfit?

Probably something I wore tree planting. Although there were definitely people who dressed better than me; bush style is a real thing. Personally, I’m a big believer in coats. A good coat can be an outfit in and of itself, and you can wear it multiple days in a row without getting weird looks. 

Do you like to write in the morning or at night? 

I usually prefer to write in the morning, but since the recent time change, I’ve found myself to be more productive in the evenings. It seems like every few months I end up changing my routine. 

When did you first receive praise for your writing?

When I was eight I wrote a three-act play called Peter Pan Meets Elvis. Then I made my younger siblings and a few of the neighborhood kids act it out for our parents at a dinner party. (I was Peter Pan; I don’t remember who played Elvis.) Considering most of my actors couldn’t read, the end result wasn’t an accurate depiction of my artistic vision. But the script was like twenty single-spaced pages, and I remember one of the adults seeing the size of it and complimenting me on my writing abilities. Because of this, I spent several years equating “good” writing with “long” writing. Thankfully, I’ve since been reformed. 

What was your first rejection? 

The student-run literary magazine in high school. 

Latest book you’ve read or favourite book ever?

I just finished reading Kate Zambreno’s To Write as If Already Dead and Sarah Jaffe’s Work Won’t Love You Back: How Devotion to Our Jobs Keeps Us Exploited, Exhausted, and Alone. Both were excellent.

Quinn Mason’s writing has appeared in Lemon Hound, The Nashville Review, Cosmonauts Avenue, Maisonneuve magazine, and Michelin guidebooks. She is currently an MFA candidate at the University of Guelph.


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