Mugabi Byenkya

My writing space for the past few months has been on the verandah of my Mom’s house as it’s beautiful out here and after 2 years of being primarily bedbound I try to use my bed for primarily sleep and reading comics.

My 1st ever rap written at 13 years old on the way home from a field trip and later performed as Bugo Squad, the first and only song with my 2 eldest brothers and eldest sister. Little sibling Noella was missing in action

What do you feel is your best piece of work?

I have trouble with selecting a “best” piece of work, because like all occasional rappers, I grew up with the Hip-Hop tradition of constantly trying to outdo yourself. Therefore your latest piece of work, is always supposed to be what you consider your best. In that vein, (although I’ve had things published since they were old poems I’d been shopping around for a bit) I’d say my best would be “Married Myself” my first ever published comic in collaboration with Paul Bourgeois. This was a dream come true for me as a lifelong comic book nerd and comic book collector. I’d always dreamt of becoming a comic book artist, until my 9th grade art teacher told me I was useless in art, so I prioritized writing. (Teachers y’all really gotta do better) Having my first ever comic published was a massive personal milestone. The ways that Paul elevated my text through our own take on the Marvel method, makes us true co-creators in every sense of the word. Having collaborated artistically before in my rapping days, collaboration comes naturally to me and “Married Myself” is the perfect bridge between myself and Paul. It is also the most recent creation I’ve had published (since it was created in 2020 unlike the older poems published this year) which is why I consider it my best at the moment, until something else comes along to replace it. 

What music have you been listening to lately?

Coco Owino, her EP “Eternal, Pt. I” is transcendent and I’m currently listening to the song “Know It” from said EP, as I work my way through these interview questions. I’ve had difficulty digesting new albums or full bodies of musical work, due to deteriorating aphasia. However, I’ve been able to revisit old favourites like “Eternal, Pt. I” which I love. The EP and in particular the song “Know It” have been so internalized in my mind and body, that it works as great music to write administratively to. I vibe with the string crescendos and diminuendos and her husky voice carries me through whatever task I’m working on, hones in my focus and the internalized lyrics bolster my spirit. Writing in all forms is always difficult due to aphasia but Coco Owino helps me lose myself in it like I used to before my strokes.   

What’s in your fridge right now?

Cold Packs to help soothe my chronically ill body after daily self-conducted physical therapy sessions

Who is the last character you related to and why?

Patsy Walker from Patsy Walker A.K.A Hellcat, because she’s been through hell and back (literally) by the time we meet her and yet she still finds ways to find joy daily and keep plodding along. I also relate to her often missing out on important appointments due to superhero duty, although I’m not a superhero my chronically ill unreliable body often makes me miss out on things I’d love to be doing.   

Have you ever failed at something you care about?

I failed at my last two attempts at touring and they both cut me deep. I planned ambitious multi-city tours and my body could not handle. I had multiple seizures whilst on tour but kept pushing through until I hit a wall and could not push through anymore. This led to months being primarily bedbound having seizures every day, in ridiculous amounts of pain and barely able to think straight. This also led to me letting down a lot of organizers and audiences. Although I physically could not do anything about it, and I beat myself up about it less now, I’m still disappointed in how unreliable my body is now compared to before my 2 most recent strokes in 2014. I’d have no issue with touring pre-2014 but I was also in no ways ready or capable of touring then. Que sera sera  

Last gift you received?

A Google Pixel 6 from my dear friend Nitin Kanukolanu

Favourite photo you’ve taken? 

I don’t take the best photo’s and mainly depend on other people to take photo’s for me. I also have issues with favourites or best as I earlier stated but I really like this photo of me and my brother Victor that epitomizes our relationship.

Which season is the best? 

In Uganda, the dry season because the rain makes my seizures and spasms worse. In North America, spring because I love seeing everything in bloom and the warmth after a long winter is always refreshing. Answering this question just made me realize I can pick favourites and/or bests when I have a few distinct options to choose from but not when I’m spoilt by choice. 

Least favourite household chore? 

Re-organizing my room whenever my Mom inevitably comes in and organizes things according to her preference #BlackMoms

Best outfit you’ve ever worn? Where and why?
Once again I have issues with best but I really like this outfit I wore in 2019 to celebrate Mothers Day with my Mom. The shirt belonged to my late father who had swag for days and it was taken in to fit my smaller frame. I like wearing his old clothes because I feel like it helps him live on through me, help celebrate his legacy and help the clothes be put to use rather than gathering.

Do you like to write in the morning or at night? 

I like to write in the morning now but I used to like to write at night. My health necessitates writing in the morning now because it’s when I have the most energy and by the nighttime, I’m too exhausted and spasming too hard to write.

When did you first receive praise for your writing?

Very early on in childhood when I’d write illustrated short stories a.k.a comics and share them with my Mom who’s always been one of my biggest supporters. 

What do you consider to be your first rejection? 

I entered a youth essay competition that my late father’s employer was holding at 13 years old and was rejected every single year till I turned 18. One of many things that taught me not to take rejection so personally, as it now takes me 50-75 submissions to get back one acceptance. 

Latest book you’ve read or favourite book ever?

Latest Book I’ve read-  The Wicked + The Divine , Issue #5 by Kieron Gillen, Jamie McKelvie, Matthew Wilson , Clayton Cowles, Hannah Donovan and edited by Chrissy Williams.

Anything you’d like to promote? (feel free to provide a link if you’d like)

Buy my award-nominated , Ugandan bestselling novel-memoir!
Hit me up at: if you’re outside Uganda and would like cheaper shipping options
Follow me on social media
Instagram - @mugabs
Twitter - @mugabsb
Facebook - @mugabsb

Mugabi Byenkya is an award-winning writer, poet and occasional rapper. He was born in Nigeria, to Ugandan parents and is currently based in Kampala.

Mugabi was longlisted for the Babishai Niwe Poetry Award in 2015. His essays, poetry and comics have been published in Carte Blanche, Best Canadian Poetry, and Skin Deep, along over 30 other publications. He has been interviewed on Voice of America, NTV Uganda, and Urban TV along over 60 other media outlets.
Mugabi’s writing is used to teach High School English in Kampala and Toronto schools. He won the Discovering Diversity Poetry Contest in 2017. In the same year, his award-nominated debut, ‘Dear Philomena,’ was published and he went on a 43 city, 5 country North America/East Africa tour in support of this.
In 2018, Mugabi was named one of 56 writers who has contributed to his native Uganda’s literary heritage in the 56 years since independence by
Writivism (East Africa’s largest literary festival). Dear Philomena, was named a Ugandan bestseller in the same year.
In 2019, Mugabi was selected as one of ten emerging theater artists in
bcHUB’s Emerging Artists Ensemble 2019/2020. In the same year, he was named a finalist for Realwheels Playwright-In-Residence and the recipient of an inagaural Realwheels Encouragement Award.
In 2020, Mugabi’s poem
“If I Die Bury Me Next To My Father” was selected by Marilyn Dumont to be anthologized in “Best Canadian Poetry 2020published by Biblioasis. In the same year, his debut ‘Dear Philomena,’ was nominated for the 2020 Nommo Awards For Speculative Fiction By Africans.
Mugabi wants to be
Jaden Smith when he grows up.


Jowita Bydlowska


Vannessa Barnier