Ben Fama

What do you feel is your best piece of work?

My newest book, which is my first novel. I spent 8 years working on it, it is absolutely perfect. 

What music have you been listening to lately?

I recently visited Ed Steck in Pittsburgh. He played this record while letting me sample all his fermented bean pastes in his fridge while we waited for the food to arrive. 

Who is the last character you related to and why?

I’m working on my next novel and really trying to stay close to the emotions that all the characters need to embody, line to line. 

Have you ever failed at something you care about?

Of course. Everything I have accomplished has a trail of failures behind it. There's also things I haven’t accomplished, so in that regard they are just failures. 

How much vitamin D do you take?


Last gift you received?

My friend bought me this (knock-off?) Celine jacket as a book party present. 

Favourite photo?

Once, at a reading in a gallery, I stared at this book cover for an hour or so while the reading was going on. This was years ago and I finally tracked it down and figured out who took the photo. Richard Misrach. I don’t know anything about him and I’ve never looked through the book. 

Best season? 

I used to be a summer person but now I’m an Autumn person. 

What drives you? 

I’m a pessimist but not a negative person. I think I feel that through expression we can find collective meanings. 

Where is the best place?


What’s an example of a good ending? 

You know how sometimes you see a plant and then it turns out it is fake? I think really good, buttoned up endings are like that. You know it is artificial, it is nice to see but it isn’t as satisfying as a messy, real one. My novel has an artificial ending. It’s purposefully the campy white christmas tree.

Latest book you’ve read or favourite book ever?

Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh

Anything you’d like to promote?

Ben Fama is the author of the full length poetry collections Fantasy (Ugly Duckling Presse, 2015) and Deathwish (Newest York, 2018). His debut novel If I Close My Eyes is now available from Sarka Press. He is the editor of Wonder Books and lives in New York City.



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Sarah Sophia Yanni / DA Denckla